Way-ay-ay Up…. I Feel Blessed!

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Processed with VSCOcam

So it has been a year since my accident…✌


A whole year living in the Garden State without a car.

Now I don’t wanna sound like a whiny bitch but it was hard… I think I just got used to life by public transport when I finalized the insurance of my car.🚕

I went through the year struggling as most of the nation is to find a job that wanted to give me hours so my paychecks would be over 100 bucks💵. Boy, was it hard! I didn’t get paid in an amount over 300 dollars for like a good 6 months.

Luckily I’m currently employed by the ever so eloquent Nordstrom and most of my financial delinquencies have subsided. (Wipes brow)


Any who, as you could imagine paychecks that don’t amount to at least a couple hundred bucks make saving, not impossible, but very hard. In the days that I didn’t work I resorted to becoming a self titled coffee expert and Netflix surfer.  It was a fun business but still left me too much time to think of past mistakes and dream of getting a car.

Having too much idle time allowed me to replay my accident over and over and think of all the ways I could’ve prevented it.

Rushing is what I deduced, was the culprit.

Rushing kills cars and people, which Is why I drive like a elderly chap and slow down before every threatening pot hole.

Long story short, I finally achieved my one year goal of saving for my car. I was Blessed with a Nissan which I named Serenity. (Firefly fans will know and appreciate)

This year taught me to count the little blessings which I so foolishly took for advantage. I guess I should end this with a cheesey quote like, ‘you live and u learn.’

But, yo….! you do….. and I did.


*This picture was taken on my first roadtrip.🌞🌲🌻🍄🌎



Three Hiking Minorities

FB_IMG_1430539598083Okay , so its spring and shit and people remember what sun rays are and excersizing  really is. The pressure is really on to shed that turkey fat and impress strangers on the beach strutting around in a bikini size 1. Huh? I guess thats the allures and pressures of spring transitioning into summer…for most. Naw im good, me and my friends are steady on Google plotting out roadtrips and scratching our heads because of confusing airfare packages for next summer.  Life is fun.

So a couple days after Earth day, our schedules aligned and we set off to kick up dust on a new trail. I think we spent $1.41 appoxamitly on coffee and set off. We are poor with life but rich in the luxaries that the untamed wilderness daily offers. It took me about 10 min to find a destination not even 40 min away for us to explore! Oh the excitement of a new destination with  blue skies to beckon us down the highway while our hair was having affairs with the wind blowing to and fro…it was gonna be an amazing day😊

Whitesbog is a lil village in Burlington county. Open all year beckoning who it may with a cute setting that takes you back in time. We drove into a little village, void of people and it was breath taking!! We drove past beautiful blond fields situated so perfectly in between little peninsula- like bodies of lakes which allowed the skies reflection off their iced tea colored waters.  We had to jump out the car several times to take pictures and capture what beauty our eyes could scarcely believe! FB_IMG_1430539660991

Not only was that trail so decadent with nature , there was a stillness in the air that gave us peace and allowed our minds to forget our nagging worries. Now,surprisingly, this was in New Jersey, a state im always ashamed to have lived in and often cross a bridge to escape the suburbs and wannabe thugs.  I was amazed at how this little village in Burlington County proved me wrong and showed off its simplistic  beauty without any efforts . This is why I never like to say im bored when there is so much nature to be admired, trails to be trodden, and waterfalls to chase .

So that day ended with us driving with trance blasting back to camden county in a loyal Toyota. FB_IMG_1430539594623 Immensely wealthy on the spoils of nature that we explored that day, just Three Minorities in search of a different kind of adventure.
